
Tcl package version shows as 1.2.3 in 1.3.8 download

apnadkarni opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Doing a package require loon after downloading the 1.3.8 loon release from github returns 1.2.3 as the package version, not 1.3.8. Is this expected behavior?

To Reproduce
See above.

Expected behavior
Expected to see 1.3.8 as the package version.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Windows 10, Tcl 8.6.11

I do not encounter such issue. Would you please show more details (e.g. your code)?

> devtools::install_github("great-northern-diver/loon", subdir = "R")
> packageVersion("loon")
[1] ‘1.3.8’

Thanks for the quick response. All I did was a package require loon in Tcl.

(src) 1 % package require loon

The top of the pkgIndex.tcl file contains these lines:

package ifneeded loon 1.2.3 "
   package provide loon 1.2.3 

Is it possible the Tcl package versions and the R package versions are different by design?


package provide loon 1.2.3

I see. After loon 1.2.3, most changes are made in R so that the "version" in tcltk is not up to date. Thanks for pointing this out.