
poetry install fails to resolve dependencies

Closed this issue · 1 comments

[desowin@desowin-mbp luna]$ git rev-parse HEAD
[desowin@desowin-mbp luna]$ poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file
Warning: poetry.lock is not consistent with pyproject.toml. You may be getting improper dependencies. Run `poetry lock [--no-update]` to fix it.

Because lambdasoc (0.1.dev74+gca06867) @ git+ depends on litedram (*) which doesn't match any versions, lambdasoc is forbidden.
So, because luna depends on lambdasoc (0.1.dev74+gca06867) @ git+, version solving failed.
grvvy commented

We're moving away from poetry, see #181 and use pip to install dependencies for now. Will update documentation!