
src/features/counter file structure

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I see 4 files in this folder. At least by naming they all seem to do with things for your counter. However what I would like to see is counter.tsx, counter.css and then a subfolder maybe called utils?? depending on what these 2 files do that would go into them? Some type of descriptive subfolder name. Maybe you'll have popups related to just the "counter" or subcomponents that are only used on the counter component itself. One way is to have it be its own folder in components, I'm not a fan of that because if it's only used for a single component I believe it should be in the folder for that single component, more domain file structure there, which it looks like you're trying to go for. But having 4 files, what's to prevent 5? 6? 100? all in just 1 folder, now suddenly you can't find anything.