
[BUG] stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring: false leads to Ctrl+E only being matched when pressed in reverse (E+Ctrl)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
E+Ctrl matches, but Ctrl+E does not match - only with stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring: false

How are you using react hotkeys components? (HotKeys, GlobalHotKeys, IgnoreKeys etc)
<GlobalHotKeys />

Expected behavior
Ctrl+E should be caught and fire the handler. Instead, only the following are caught:

  • E+Ctrl


  1. Press and hold Ctrl+E
  2. Release E
  3. Press E again

Platform (please complete the following information):

  • Version of react-hotkeys 2.0.0
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] Electron@6.0.12
  • OS: [e.g. iOS] Windows 7

Are you willing and able to create a PR request to fix this issue?


What Configuration options are you using?

    ignoreEventsCondition: evt => false,
    stopEventPropagationAfterIgnoring: false,

Thanks for posting your issue.

Unfortunately I do not have the time to actively work on this package, but I am seeking other active maintainers. If you are willing to create a pull request or help out, that would be an excellent way of moving this forward.