
💖 $HOME sweet $HOME

Primary LanguageShell

My Supercharged Dotfiles

See here all my used dotfiles

to update these dotfiles use upgrade_supercharged on the command line.


On a fresh install of macOS, run:

sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install

Then clone the repo and run scripts/setup.sh:

git clone https://github.com/greenchapter/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
source ~/.dotfiles/scripts/setup.sh


git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

Alias Table

Alias Description
zshconfig open oh-my-zsh main configuration in sublime
tconfig open tmux configuration in sublime
password generate a random password
preview open a fuzzy search with bat
edit open a fuzzy search and edit with sublime
l list in table
ll list in row
le list in table with exa
lle list in tree with exa
zshreload reload zsh shell
upgrade_global_npm switch nvm enviroment and update global npm packages

Sublime Text 3


The Supercharged Pro Theme use the font Source Code Pro Powerline Font, you will get the font here → https://github.com/powerline/fonts


The fully supported usage of tmux need to install the homebrew package reattach-to-user-namespace brew install reattach-to-user-namespace.

The config file is inspired by Monorkins tmux configuration😘


For full fzf install run $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install

Here some special commands

  • Reload Configuration with *prefix C-b r*


Generate extension list code --list-extensions > extensions

Create Settings link ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vscode/settings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User


Vim uses the plug-in manager vundle

to install all supercarged vim plugins run :PluginInstall via Vim. :PluginInstall is for keeping up-to-date with the installed Vim plugins.

WebAssembly Command Line Support

My dotfiles support wasmer binaries via CLI → https://wasmer.io/