
Figure 1 - Minor presentation issues

cgreene opened this issue · 2 comments

A: Key labels should be formatted for presentation (not underscore separated). You might want to present them as bioRxiv-PMC, bioRxiv-NYTAC, etc. It also looks like you may have room to spell out Kullback–Leibler on the axis. If you don't do this, many journals will make you explain the acronym in the figure legend so it's better to spell it out if possible.

B: I think you may wish to present the log_2(OR)s. This will make them symmetric around the axes and make it less important which one is ordered first. You might also consider formatting the X axis as with Odds Ratio in the middle (at 0 of the log odds) and then an arrow to the left saying "More in PMC" and one to the right towards "More in bioRxiv". This will make it easier for someone to understand your results at a glance.

C: PMC should be capitalized for consistency.

D: See B.

E: use consistent capitalization strategies throughout.

Another thought for A - there are a lot of bar charts here. I wonder if these values might be better presented with a line plot or similar.

Boxes for B & D and C & E don't quite line up vertically.