
Basic algorithms in Clojure with <3

Primary LanguageClojureThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Basic algorithms in Clojure

This is a collection of data structures and algorithms that are essential and not so essential in the modern era. You are free to use any of these without any obligations.

Why reinvent the wheel, Clojure is built on some of these structures?! Hehe, it is a good question.

Available structures and algorithms

  • AVL tree -- self-balancing binary search tree, O(log n) operations, on average faster than Red-Black tree on lookup but slower on modifications.
  • Binary search tree -- most basic data structure. Also contains benchmarks on different implementations of the tree.
  • Index hashing -- a collection of non-cryptographic algorithms used mainly for indexing. Includes Bernstein, FNV, One at a Time, Zobrist, Murmur3.
  • Hash Table -- an array-like structure allowing for arbitrary indexes instead of just integers such as strings, keywords etc. Occupies more space but provides nearly O(1) lookup time.
  • Number generation -- methods for various number generation algorithms. Includes Box-Muller-Marsaglia polar method (sample from normal distribution), Sample from Geometric Distribution.
  • Red-Black tree -- self-balancing binary search tree, O(log n) operations, on average faster than AVL tree on modifications but slower on lookup.
  • Sorting -- a collection of sorting algorithms. Includes bubble sort.
  • Symbolic regression (using genetic programming) -- a basic genetic programming algorithm aimed at finding the closest function (curve) that corresponds to the given set of data.


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Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.

See the LICENSE file for more details.