A wrapper around the Golang MySQL driver that can fetch query results as maps of column names to string values
package myquery // import "github.com/greenlion/go-myquery/myquery"
func Connect(host string, user string, password string, port string, db string) (*sql.DB, error)
func Fetch(rows *sql.Rows) (map[string]string, error)
func Query(db *sql.DB, sql string) (*sql.Rows, error)
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
func main() {
/* connection to the database */
conn, err := myquery.Connect("", "root", "", "3306", "performance_schema")
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
/* run a query and get a pointer to the resultset */
stmt, err := myquery.Query(conn, "select * from threads")
if err != nil {
/* note that fetching an entire resultset will automatically close the
resultset. You can't fetch the same resultset twice or rewind
the resultset. deferred Close() is still a good idea in case the
entire resultset is not fetched.
defer stmt.Close()
/* fetch each row from the resultset into a map[string]string and exit when no more rows */
for {
row, err := myquery.Fetch(stmt)
if err != nil {
if row == nil {
/* print the row */