
🦞 wasm-pack plugin for Vite

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


wasm-pack plugin for Vite

npm npm downloads vite version chat

awesome-rsw Rust WebAssembly

rsw version vite version
>= 2.0.0 >= 2.8.0
>= 1.8.0 >= 2.4.0
1.7.0 2.0.0 ~ 2.3.8


  • HMR
  • Friendly error message - browser and terminal


  • rust
  • nodejs
  • wasm-pack
  • rsw-rs: rsw = rs(rust) → w(wasm) - A command-line tool for automatically rebuilding local changes, based on the wasm-pack implementation.


Step 1

Install rsw

cargo install rsw

Install vite-plugin-rsw

# With NPM:
npm i -D vite-plugin-rsw

# With Yarn:
yarn add -D vite-plugin-rsw

Step 2

Edit vite.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { ViteRsw } from 'vite-plugin-rsw';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [

Step 3

Edit package.json

recommend to use concurrently instead of & to run command concurrently, because it can't handle system signal properly, see rwasm/rsw-rs#7

"scripts": {
+   "dev": "concurrently \"rsw watch\" \"vite\"",
+   "build": "rsw build && tsc && vite build",
+   "rsw": "rsw"

Step 4

rsw.toml options

  1. Initial rsw.toml

    # With NPM
    npm run rsw init
    # yarn rsw -h
    yarn rsw init
  2. Generate rust crate

    # rsw.toml
    # using: wasm-pack | rsw | user, default is `wasm-pack`
    using = "wasm-pack"
    # With NPM
    npm run rsw new rsw-hello
    # With Yarn
    yarn rsw new rsw-hello
  3. Edit rsw.toml

    # link type: npm | yarn | pnpm, default is `npm`
    cli = "npm"
    name = "rsw-hello"
    # <npm|yarn|pnpm> link
    # ⚠️ Note: must be set to `true`, default is `false`
    link = true

Step 5

Start dev server

# With NPM
npm run dev
# With Yarn
# rsw watch & vite
yarn dev

Step 6


# With NPM
npm run build
# With Yarn
yarn build


  • WA+ - 🤩 Making a web page more like a desktop application is just the beginning, the possibilities are unlimited, up to your imagination!
  • Demo - 🎲 Learning WebAssembly
  • Oh My Box - 🔮 Development toolbox, and more...


create-mpl - ⚡️ Create a project in seconds!

# Quickly initialize a wasm project

# npm 6.x
npm init mpl@latest my-app --type wasm

# npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
npm init mpl@latest my-app -- --type wasm



wasm-wechat-qrcode fzj-qrcode


MIT License © 2021 lencx