
Firebase is a hosted noSQL solution from Google has some limitations regarding query support. Firebase only support startAt(), endAt(), and equalTo() conditions and not any form of fulltext support, let alone aggregations / facets. This Firebase Cloud Functions will show you how to add fulltext query and aggregation support to Firebase using ElasticSearch.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Connect ealsticsearch engine with Firebase

Firebase is a hosted noSQL solution from Google has some limitations regarding query support. Firebase only support startAt(), endAt(), and equalTo() conditions and not any form of fulltext support, let alone aggregations / facets. This Firebase Cloud Functions will show you how to add fulltext query and aggregation support to Firebase using ElasticSearch.

Functions Code

See file functions/index.js for the code.

The dependencies are listed in functions/package.json.

Trigger rules

The function triggers on upload of any file to Firebase project.

Setting up

  1. Setup ElasticSearch VM - Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/ and login with your Google account - go to the Cloud Launcher using the sidenav, search for ‘Elasticsearch’ (Inception!) and select the Bitnami image.
  2. Create a Firebase project on the Firebase Console.
  3. You must have the Firebase CLI installed. If you don't have it install it with npm install -g firebase-tools and then configure it with firebase login.
  4. Configure the CLI locally by using firebase use --add and select your project in the list.
  5. Install dependencies locally by running: cd functions; npm install --save request request-promise lodash; cd -
  6. set the needed firebase config variables to connect to your elastic search server firebase functions:config:set elasticsearch.username="user" elasticsearch.password="my_password" elasticsearch.url="http://<yoururl>/elasticsearch/

Deploy and test

  1. Deploy your Cloud Functions using firebase deploy --only functions:indexTrashToElastic
  2. Go to the Firebase Console Database tab and chnage a value in the database