What kind of type does plcontainer support?
gfphoenix78 opened this issue · 2 comments
gfphoenix78 commented
What kind of input type does plcontainer support?
CREATE FUNCTION pylog100(i integer) RETURNS double precision AS $$
# container: plc_python_shared
import math
return math.log10(i)
$$ LANGUAGE plcontainer;
CREATE FUNCTION pylog100(i integer[]) RETURNS double precision AS $$
# container: plc_python_shared
import math
return x
$$ LANGUAGE plcontainer;
CREATE FUNCTION pylog100(i integer[][]) RETURNS double precision AS $$
# container: plc_python_shared
import math
return x
$$ LANGUAGE plcontainer;
What kind of output type does plcontainer support?
CREATE TYPE AS inner_type (
id1 integer,
name1 integer
CREATE TYPE AS output_type (
id integer,
names text[],
foo text[][],
bar inner_type,
foo2 double[][][][]
CREATE FUNCTION dummy100(i integer[][]) RETURNS setof output_type AS $$
# container: plc_r_shared
return (x)
$$ LANGUAGE plcontainer;
For types that plcontainer supports, there should be a formal gramma to define which type it could support.
cf-gitbot commented
We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.
The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.
HaozhouWang commented
Yes, we need a matrix of type mapping