
GPDB in docker + PL/Container

yv5125 opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm trying to use PL/Container when GPDB is in docker and has an access to host docker daemon.

In short it looks like here:

For now this is not working:

  1. GPDB has access to host docker daemon
  2. I run SELECT function();
  3. plc_coordinator creates Python container successfully (and the files in /clientdir mounted sucessfully because I have the copy on host machine disk in the same directory as they located in GPDB docker container)
  4. But GPDB can't connect to the Python container
  5. Python container waits 20 sec and plc_coordinator delete it
  6. The 'SELECT function();' query stays freezed until cancelled manually

Could you please give me more details how I can create connection between GPDB in docker container and Python pl/container instance?


We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

No Python support in the master branch yet, please clone 6X_STABLE branch and re-compile it.

Thanks it works in 6X_STABLE!
This issue is about GPDB in docker + pl/container and it is also works like on image!

The main condition is to mount right volumes like /tmp and plcontainer_clients. For example:

docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 -h dwgpdbpl --name dwgpdbpl \
    -v /docker/gpdb_data:/data \
    -v /tmp:/tmp \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /opt/greenplum-db-6.7.1/bin/plcontainer_clients:/opt/greenplum-db-6.7.1/bin/plcontainer_clients \