
Receive Event when Activity in Background Android

patelakshay13890 opened this issue · 8 comments

How can I receive or subscribe multiple Events even though Activity is in background i.e. activity isn't visible ?

andob commented

simply call register() inside onCreate then unregister inside onDestroy.

I usually do it like this:

EventBuses.kt file

val ForegroundEventBus = EventBus()
val BackgroundEventBus = EventBus()
abstract class BaseActivity() : AppCompatActivity
    fun onCreate(savedInstanceState : Bundle?)
        try { BackgroundEventBus.register(this) }
        catch (ignored : Exception) {}
        try { ForegroundEventBus.register(this) }
        catch (ignored : Exception) {}
        //wiil thow exception if activity doesn't have a method annotated with Subscribe, so I'll just ignore the exception
    fun onPause()
    fun onDestroy()

Then I extend all my activities from BaseActivity. Usually I put more configuration stuff (other libraries etc) inside BaseActivity.

Then if I want an event to be received only by foreground activity, I do
Or if I want an event to be reveiced by all background activities, I do

Please close this issue since it's not a bug related to the library functionality.

Can you please provide example for the same it will be most helpful ?
And what happened if User Clear App from Recent List than What happened to BackgroundEventBus as there will be not call for onDestroy() ??

andob commented

Android itself can do two things:

  • either terminate activities, in this case onDestroy will be called
  • or either terminate the entire app process, in this case I don't think onDestroy will be called, but since the entire process will be killed, it won't matter. When a process is killed, its memory allocated in RAM is deleted. When the app / process starts again, it will start "clean".

As far as I know, when use clears the app from recents, the process gets killed.

I don't understand the first question. The example I gave is self explainatory?

I am using java right now so please provide EventBuses.kt file in java and I don't get this how to declare and use ?

andob commented


public class EventBuses
    public static final EventBus ForegroundEventBus = new EventBus();
    public static final EventBus BackgroundEventBus = new EventBus();
import static*;

public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        try { BackgroundEventBus.register(this); }
        catch (ignored : Exception) {}
        try { ForegroundEventBus.register(this); }
        catch (ignored : Exception) {}
    public void onPause()
    public void onDestroy()

Then, to use:

import static*;;;

How should I setup Event Bus for triggering multiple events from my Socket Connections every seconds ?

How should I setup Event Bus for triggering multiple events from my Socket Connections every seconds ?

postEvent in your socket callback method

Closing this issue due to inactivity. 💤 Feel free to comment with more details or submit a new issue.