greenDAO is a light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases.
Pinned issues
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Gradle Build error with GitHub Actions
#1037 opened by aditmodhvadia - 4
can't generate Dao class because of "compileDebugKotlin Unresolved reference XXXDao"
#1056 opened by liuzhp3 - 2
SourceSet with name 'main' not found.
#1049 opened by rayastar - 2
Duplicate Class found in modules jetified
#1022 opened by abbasalid - 1
集成greendao 3.1.0版本概率性出现问题
#1054 opened by yinzhijia - 3
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请教下各位jenkins构建Android项目,项目中有greendao框架 ,一直构建失败有人知道咋处理吗?[抱拳][抱拳]请教下各位jenkins构建Android项目,项目中有greendao框架 ,一直构建失败有人知道咋处理吗?[抱拳][抱拳]
#1018 opened by hutao1990hu - 1
do greenDAO clean useless table ?
#1069 opened by wulongfang - 2
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Query with limit()
#1067 opened by u3frajaeian - 3
调用 update 后更新了数据,如果重启APP数据库的数据回到初始化状态(比如我先创建一张表 字段 age = 0, 然后我更新 age = 10,不重启APP 获取这个age 是=10, 如果重启APP 后获取这个age = 0)
#1048 opened by liqiang2199 - 3
I want to use the JSON1 Module inside the SQLitedabase
#1065 opened by naitbrahim - 1
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table
#1063 opened by MOXUELIN - 1
Execution failed for task ':app:greendao'. > Value for hash should be of type int
#1062 opened by weizhihan - 1
No such column. Possible migration fail with multiple databases & schemas
#1064 opened by songliao-branch - 4
When will Gradle later be supported?
#1061 opened by deerGentler - 1
How To Migrate existing Database From greendao api to Room database in android My current Database version is 29
#1060 opened by aneebali - 0
why @toMany not add foreign key constraint automatically【Chinese Version:tomany在create table语句中为啥不会自动增加约束?】
#1059 opened by feidegenggao - 1
where is created db file
#1058 opened by metrocoding - 0
Will IdentityScope cause OOM?
#1057 opened by xingxia753 - 0
Can you disable seesion cache by default?
#1055 opened by wintergoes - 0
Custom primary key type generate wrong code
#1051 opened by passos - 0
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delete unused classes
#1045 opened by rayastar - 1
I need to fetch all the users.
#1036 opened by RahatSaqib - 1
How does Greendao's insertOrReplace method avoid changing the corresponding value in the database when some filelds of the object are null?
#1038 opened by windfallsheng - 1
Is Greendao's read and write operations thread-safe? Can it handle database table read and write operations simultaneously in a multi-threaded environment?
#1039 opened by windfallsheng - 1
When using an encrypted database, onDowngrade is not supported, and the database will crash when it is downgraded
#1043 opened by zhaolifan - 1
documentation in web site
#1044 opened by NaserKhoshfetrat - 2
gradle version update to 6.4 failed
#1041 opened by NaserKhoshfetrat - 0
#1042 opened by kalshen2018 - 0
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SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException: attempt to write a readonly database (code 1032)
#1033 opened by ggoyea - 0
UNIQUE constraint failed
#1034 opened by AsyncHope - 0
How do I use the index key of greenDao?
#1019 opened by DearDaXiong - 1
Call insert, save, or insertOrReplace multiple times to save multiple data, and then the problem of loadAll will
#1021 opened by wangzhipeng-vicky - 0
May be a bug like #101
#1030 opened by fmliqi - 1
Does Greendao support Sqlite database picture access
#1028 opened by caozheng56 - 1
Does it support Kotlin language project?
#1024 opened by AAChartModel - 1
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Unknown plugin type org.greenrobot.greendao.gradle.Greendao3GradlePlugin expected enum ORG_GREENROBOT_GREENDAO_GRADLE_GREENDAO3GRADLEPLUGIN
#1025 opened by skylixinxin - 1
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Parsing fails when using JDK 9 or newer
#1014 opened by shikefei89 - 0
lost content when update content database
#1029 opened by longquangpham90 - 0
Android studio 3.6.1 无法识别 entity,property等关键字
#1026 opened by haochen12 - 0
How to used loadByRowId()?
#1020 opened by DearDaXiong - 0
Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: Can't downgrade database from version 11 to 10
#1017 opened by StriId - 0
QueryRaw with "IN" a "GROUP" is not unique, low rate
#1013 opened by TpOut