
Open-source json-sequence

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

mdub commented

We've resolved that it would make our lives a whole lot simpler if this was open-source.

Not to mention all the other good reasons for open-sourcing things.

Any objections, @khaong?

mdub commented

Just discussed briefly with @jaischeema and @khaong - all are agreed we should open-source this.

Short term, we decided to:

  • add a (permissive) license
  • make the repo public

Then, later:

  • publish the gem to
  • create a build on Travis
mdub commented

Oo: @wezm already specified a license (MIT). Nice.

mdub commented

I've made the repo public.

mdub commented

I've published v0.1.2 to

$ be rake release
json-sequence 0.1.2 built to pkg/json-sequence-0.1.2.gem.
Tag v0.1.2 has already been created.
Pushed json-sequence 0.1.2 to

Wooohoo ๐Ÿšข

Nice ๐Ÿ‘ I've just audited the commits, PRs and issues to make sure there was nothing confidential released

mdub commented

@jaischeema and I are gem "owners" (so can push). I'm not feeling the urgent need to create a build/release pipeline right now, as this is essentially "done".