
Problem with Ampersands [&] in Blog Title

seanriddolls opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi –

I have a blog title with an ampersand “&” in it.

S&P Cooking Lessons

The resulting email Sender Name and Subject Line that gets delivered becomes garbled, resulting in:

S&P Cooking Lessons: Easy Sign Up

Your code is fairly well annotated, and I discovered that this error can be easily fixed, in the file:


if lines 112 & 113 are changed from:

	$esu_replace_what = array(''', '"', '"');
	$esu_replace_with = array("'",'"','"');


	$esu_replace_what = array(''', '"', '"', '&');
	$esu_replace_with = array("'",'"','"','&');

then this resolves the problem.

You may want to consider this amendment in your next rollout.

Best regards,
Sean Riddolls