
cmake project template that includes mxnet, leptonica, opencv

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


Checkout MXNET

git clone --recursive https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet mxnet
cd mxnet
# git checkout SPECIFIC_TAG
git submodule update --init --recursive

cmake project template that includes mxnet, leptonica, opencv preconfigured

CMAKE Configuration

Edit CMakeLists.txt in root directory of the project and change MXNET_ROOT parameter to point to your installation directory.

SET(ENV{MXNET_ROOT} "/home/greg/dev/3rdparty/mxnet")

Project has following dependencies

  • MxNet - FindMxNet.cmake
  • Leptonica - FindLeptonica.cmake
  • OpenCV - FindOpenCV.cmake

Building MXNET

Primary source [https://mxnet.apache.org/get_started/build_from_source]


rm -rf build
mkdir -p build && cd build
make install

Release with CUDA enabled

rm -rf build
mkdir -p build && cd build

Ninja build

rm -rf build
mkdir -p build && cd build

# This uses CMake's Build Tool Mode, which is an abstract interface for a couple of commands to the native build tool (e.g. make or Ninja) 
cmake --build . --config Debug -j 24

# Build and Install
cmake --build . --target install  --config Debug -j 24

After the MXNET install you should have have libraries in following locations

    -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libmxnet.so
    -- Installing: /usr/local/include/mxnet
    -- Installing: /usr/local/include/mxnet-cpp


apt-get -qq update
apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
  software-properties-common apt-transport-https \
  build-essential cmake libjemalloc-dev \
  libatlas-base-dev liblapack-dev liblapacke-dev libopenblas-dev \
  libcurl4-openssl-dev libzmq3-dev ninja-build libhdf5-dev libomp-dev


https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=95651665 https://nextjournal.com/mpd/compiling-mxnet

Linking static library (error or bug?) to load python trained model [apache/mxnet#13870]