
Selecting main java file design

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Selecting main java file design

New idea -> We try to auto detect location of main. If we can't find, or there are multiple, the student view submission page becomes a page asking them to choose a main. When a teacher wants to run all test cases, submissions without mains are excluded. The teacher is notified as to which submissions were excluded.

Sounds like a good plan. I think that we should also allow the user to select a main file. If they don't I think we should attempt to then do the process stated above.

I think we do our auto-find first. We're only going to use it when it's absolutely sure that a particular file must have a main. If there's only one file in a submission -> it must have main. If there's only one ".java" file submitted with the word "main" in it -> it must have main. That's pretty much it.

Ok so on this page (views/student/assignmentComplete.ejs):
screen shot 2015-06-01 at 10 23 29 pm students should be able to select which one has the main. We'll autodetect before this, but the student can still change it even if we figured it out via auto-detect. A warning should be displayed if no main is selected. @VenomousCurry should add to this page so the student can designate which file has the main.

Sounds good, we should also meet up when school is over and come up with a summer plan.

Ya definitely