Casting custom mp3 is erratic
xsherlockpl opened this issue · 3 comments
Casting a custom mp3 file (including the release included doorbell,mp3) works once in 3-4 times.
Sometimes if I'm lucky I will hear the doorbell but most of the time I only get introduction casting blip a bit of silence and exit blip.
"device": "Living Room speaker",
"source": "doorbell.mp3",
"type": "custom"
I also tried with IP instead off name of the speeker and results are similary erratic.
Same results from the sandbox page and when invoked remotely with curl.
I'm running version v3.3.2b on Ubuntu 18.04
If you're getting the casting "dink" sound, then AR is doing it's part. It's using CATT on the backend, so I'd suggest raising an issue over there
The command it's calling will be catt -d "Living Room speaker" cast path\to\file\doorbell.mp3
Thanks for the explanation, kind of I missed that, I will look into troubleshooting catt, Can I update catt while not touching assistant relay?
Yep. AR just installs CATT via Python if its not already installed
if(s.exec(`${pip} install catt`).code !== 0) {