
A way to disable auto route generation ?

maxerbox opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm looking for a replacement for nuxtent, which is deprecated.
I was wondering if we could prevent auto generating routes based on the markdown file names ?

Thanks for getting in touch! I think I will add a generateRoutes option in the next release.

For now, there is a way but it feels hacky. Routes are generated like so:

routes.push(...collections[]{ data }) => data.path))

As you can see, the route for each file is actually stored in the front matter (data), which you can modify in serverTransform like so:

serverTransform (collection) {
  collection.forEach(({ data }) => {
    data.path = '/' // Some route which you do want to generate
  return collection

If you've got any other suggestions of how Nuxt Markdown could replace Nuxtent, I'd really appreciate if you create another issue. Or if you want to help make Nuxt Markdown, I would love to get some other collaborators on board!

Thanks, for some reason, the generate.exclude option in nuxt.config.js did not skip them. This worked for me.

I will make sure to honour the generate.exclude option in the next release; I'll look for a better way to generate routes than I am at the moment.

To give you some context, I'm using one subfolder under ~/content for links, so I don't want to create routes for them.