
How to make JSON Pretty?

GuckTubeYT opened this issue · 2 comments

I want to make JSON Like this


But, why its like this = {"array":[{"key":"value"}]}

json::jobject obj2;
obj2["key"] = "value";
std::vector<json::jobject> vec;
json::jobject example;
example["array"] = vec;
cout << (string) example << endl;

Hey @GuckTubeYT, right now serialization makes the string as small as possible but I'm working on a method that creates a "pretty" string.

@GuckTubeYT My latest commit adds a .pretty() method that will generate the type of output you're looking for:

json::jobject obj2;
obj2["key"] = "value";
std::vector<json::jobject> vec;
json::jobject example;
example["array"] = vec;
cout << example.pretty() << endl;