- 2
- 3
BlockUI design questions
#60 opened by DiscreteConcrete - 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
One step from an animation
#61 opened by DiscreteConcrete - 1
Challenges with Block UI
#64 opened by iamdanfox - 1
- 4
"Check" and BlockUI
#62 opened by DiscreteConcrete - 2
- 3
Enable / Disable button for BlockUI
#54 opened by iamdanfox - 6
Block UI Covering Things
#43 opened by greglo - 3
- 1
Removing blocks in BlockUI
#58 opened by greglo - 1
Making BlockUI scrollable
#45 opened by DiscreteConcrete - 2
ROT13 accepting obviously incorrect solution
#56 opened by mikejsavage - 3
#57 opened by rgossiaux - 1
Make TapeUI scrollable
#38 opened by rgossiaux - 0
Store/Memory Challenge is broken
#55 opened by rgossiaux - 3
StackUI doesn't scroll properly
#52 opened by rgossiaux - 3
We should highlight the first invalid line if a challenge doesn't conform to the instruction set
#53 opened by rgossiaux - 1
- 3
Program should clear when we enter a Challenge
#50 opened by rgossiaux - 1
- 1
Reset Button not enabled after a LexerError
#41 opened by iamdanfox - 1
Add Input/Output labels to TapeUI
#39 opened by rgossiaux - 7
allow strings on the stack?
#30 opened by mikejsavage - 0
programtextui too tall
#49 opened by mikejsavage - 3
Exception being thrown by challenges
#22 opened by greglo - 1
BlockUI Drag and Drop
#42 opened by iamdanfox - 0
Challenges are unwinnable
#47 opened by iamdanfox - 4
TapeUI Click bug
#46 opened by greglo - 1
Stack Machine bug
#44 opened by greglo - 0
Allow editing of input values in TapeUI
#40 opened by rgossiaux - 1
- 0
- 0
Challenge Selector in ChallengeUI
#29 opened by iamdanfox - 2
- 0
- 1
Lexer Errors Highlight word not line
#32 opened by greglo - 0
tutorial challenges
#35 opened by mikejsavage - 1
- 1
TapeUI doesn't clear when machine resets
#34 opened by mikejsavage - 0
- 1
replace magic numbers with named constants
#25 opened by mikejsavage - 0
Program screws up on failed output instruction
#26 opened by rgossiaux - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Instructions are not a value type!
#21 opened by iamdanfox