Remotes, install.R potential improvements
Closed this issue · 2 comments
dflynn-volpe commented
Currently running the install.R; into hour 5 and up to VETransportSupplyUse. This is on Windows, over VPN, so not the fastest test, but still quite slow. A few changes should improve this:
- The following should be added to the Getting Started page, rather than a link to the install.R page on GitHub:
- VESimHouseholds, VECommercialTravel still have @develop remote
- VEEnergyAndEmissions still has @storagetest remote
- Every module that imports VESimHouseholds (such as VELandUse) also therefore downloads @develop
- Each module still installs framework from source. This seems to be driven by the
option in the DESCRIPTION; this is probably unavoidable if we stay with the single repository and use install_github. Possible that install_local from a downloaded zip of the repository would not have this issue.
If time allows, consider testing a method like this in the install.R script to download once and then install_local:
VE_modules = c(
# inspired by
dest <- "~/ve_temp"
request <- httr::GET("")
writeBin(httr::content(request, "raw"), paste0(dest, ".zip"))
unzip(paste0(dest, ".zip"), exdir = dest, overwrite = T)
devtools::install_local(path = file.path(dest, "/sources/framework/visioneval"))
for(i in 1:length(VE_modules)){
cat(rep("<<>>", 10), "\n Installing", VE_modules[i], "\n")
devtools::install_local(path = file.path(dest, "/sources/modules/", VE_modules[i]))
bstabler commented
I updated as well
dflynn-volpe commented