
InventoryItemRenamed: Can't for the life of me see where this is being handled

wil-den opened this issue · 2 comments

I have been having a look at this implementation and I believe I understand what is happening. However for the above named event, I can't figure where the change is being applied. It is super bugging me that i can't see it and would appreciate you helping me scratch this itch.
The Aggregateroot does not having a matching overloaded method. When debugging in your PrivateReflectionDynamicObject i see nothing but MissingMethodExceptions and the call eventually returns with no Apply method being called.
I appreciate you wrote this code a long time ago. But I would sincerely appreciate any pointers here. Might help me sleep a little easier tonight :)

It appears that the AggregateRoot does not consider the name significant, as it does not check if the new name differs from the previous one. However, the ReadModel does take the name into account, as demonstrated below:

public void Handle(InventoryItemRenamed message)

Thank you :)