
Cancer subtypes identification, validation and visualization based on genomic data

Primary LanguageR

CancerSubtypes: an R/Bioconductor package for molecular cancer subtype identification, validation, and visualization

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The R/Bioconductor package CancerSubtypes integrates the current common computational biology methods for cancer subtypes identification and provides a standardized framework for cancer subtype analysis based multi-omics data, such as gene expression, miRNA expression, DNA methylation and others.

Installing CancerSubtypes



Tutorial and examples can be found here.


Please cite the following article when using CancerSubtypes:

doi citation Altmetric

Xu, T. et al. CancerSubtypes: an R/Bioconductor package for molecular cancer subtype identification, validation, and visualization. Bioinformatics (2017) doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx378.