
hackage shelly- build failure

ddssff opened this issue · 6 comments

The executables are missing hs-source-dirs and build-depends entries:

executable  drain
    hs-source-dirs: test/examples
    main-is: drain.hs
    build-depends: base, shelly, text

executable  run-handles
    hs-source-dirs: test/examples
    main-is: run-handles.hs
    build-depends: base, shelly

executable  Color
    hs-source-dirs: test/examples
    main-is: color.hs
    build-depends: base, shelly, process, text
psibi commented

@ddssff How can I reproduce this ? Travis works fine for me:

I also tried building via Stack (with and without flags) in my linux box locally and everything worked fine.

Well, that is odd. It happened in the midst of a ghcjs build. I will have to look into it.

it turns out that the cabal file in github is very different from the one in the hackage tarball, which in turn is different from the file obtained from the link. Using this last one is what causes the problem.

psibi commented

That's strange. I will look into this tonight and will upload a new version.

psibi commented

Okay, so I looked into this and it seems to be a Cabal parser related bug: commercialhaskell/stack#3549

Will see if I can workaround that issue and upload a new package.

psibi commented

I have released a new version which fixes the issue.