
A Joos programming language compiler, written in Java. Backup for CS 444 Compiler Construction course project.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Joos Compiler

CS 444 Course Project
Member: Greg Wang, Wenzhu Man, Matt Baker


The Language Specification is Joos 1W.

To Start Development

Setup Git

  1. Download Git from http://git-scm.com/downloads
  2. Setup git by following the STEP1 on https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+Git+and+Mercurial
    (Essentially is setup your user.name and user.email, so don't hesitate if you are not on Windows.)

Clone and Create the Project

  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/junosr1
  2. Open Eclipse and set Workspace folder
  3. "Menu" -> "File" -> "Import" -> "Git/Projects from Git" -> "URI"
  4. Fill in the wizard form with
    • URI: https://bitbucket.org/gregwym/joos-compiler-java.git
    • In the authentication, fill in your bitbucket username and password
    • Don't need to change any other; press "Next >" 3 times
  5. Select "Use the New Project wizard", "Finish"
  6. Select "Java/Java Project"
  7. Fill in the "Project name" with joos-compiler-java, press "Next >"
    (If you typed correctly, the wizard should notice you "The wizard will automatically configure the JRE and the project layout based on the existingg source.")
  8. Press "Finish"

Now you should be able to run and see the "Hello World!" being printed in the Console.