
--onlyGT confusion

DcornishUCL opened this issue · 1 comments


I am converting a multi-sample VCF file to glactools acf format and I am using the --onlyGT flag since my VCF contains only genotypes. Weirdly, when I remove this flag, glactools still runs and outputs a file even though I have checked and confirmed there are no PL fields in my VCF...

grep "##FORMAT=" ALLchr_CEUlist_concat.vcf

Does glactools interpret that a VCF contains only genotypes without the need for --onlyGT or am I misunderstanding the flag? Based on the comment in Vcf2ACF.cpp I assumed that glactools uses the PL field which is not present in my VCF.



you do not use --onlyGT, it will use the PL fields, if they are missing, it will treat the site/sample as missing data.

Also, I encourage you to post on biostars and email me, others might have this question. Also, this does not seem like a bug :-)