Welcome to gnAsteroid.

Asteroids are simple websites or personal wikis that can interact with the Realms on gno.land blockchain.

Build the gnAsteroid executable

Note: You do not need to be a technician to create an asteroid. However the first step still requires to use git and go. If you manage to build the gnAsteroid executable below, the rest is going to be easy.

  1. clone gnAsteroid: git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/gno/gnAsteroid
  2. Compile with go build -C cmd/ -o gnAsteroid,
  3. Run with cmd/gnAsteroid -asteroid-dir=example,
  4. Visit the example with a browser at http://localhost:8888.

Creating an asteroid

We built a gnAsteroid (or gnAsteroid.exe on Windows) file in the previous step. We will now create an asteroid. Our first fictional asteroid will be about someone called "bob".

To set up "bob" as an asteroid, you'll need to create a directory named bob containing two simple files:

Directory Structure:
├── index.md
└── about.md

To create an asteroid "bob", we create a directory bob, with these two simple files inside:


Hello the Gnosmos! This is [Bob](about.md)'s blog :)

Take a look at my [gnoface](/r/demo/art/gnoface:1337).


I'm Bob from Neptune. In a previous life, I was a sumo.

The format is markdown. If you are not familiar with it, it's very easy to learn. A button is like [text](link) (producing text ← this won't work but you may click). Links used here are all relative: they point to this asteroid.

And that's it, we've created an asteroid with 2 pages. It's finished. Launch essentially like before:

gnAsteroid -asteroid-name "Bob's asteroid" -asteroid-dir bob

And pay a visit to your machine's local TCP port 8888, that is http://localhost:8888.

Quiz: if you noticed, this asteroid can render not only about.md and index.md but a third page, namely a realm /r/demo/art/gnoface:1337 hosted and run by validators on the gno.land chain but shown on your asteroid. Can you guess what the :1337 is and what it does?

(tip: Using the asteroid, you can take a look at its source code on-chain. tip 2: you can also see it on gno.land... ← click here and then locate the source button, it should be somewhere on the top-right of the page.)

Naming an asteroid

instead of specifying the name with -asteroid-name <name>, you may set it once in a hidden file .TITLE at the root of your asteroid. For example, Precious... My Precious.

Styling an asteroid

Asteroids are very rough rocks.

In the context of asteroids, we call style a set of 3 folders: css, font and img.

<style type="text/css"> img#really:hover { content:url("svg/colored-outlined/chewbacca.svg"); } </style>

You may fork and modify the style in default-style/. Then launch something like gnAsteroid.exe -style-dir=/path/to/your/style -asteroid-dir=example

Asteroids css are not standardized yet. Don't hesitate to just fork and experiment for now (and contribute). When no style is specified, a default style, embedded within the executable, is used.


Publishing your asteroid means to share it with other people.

This is a work in progress, but here's what works for now.


  • realm to register, link and share asteroids (belts?)
  • publishing
  • better <table> styling
  • typography of the <h1>-<h5> titles (serif, sans?)
  • converge gnoweb's views so this can remove ./views/
  • ?help view for realms must use the value specified w/ -help-remote (and if not, -chainid must use -help-chainid)


More links may arrive soon, e.g.:

  • gnAsteroid.style-gnosmos: a simple style you can use and modify.
  • gnAsteroid.docker: a Dockerfile to help serve asteroids (especially on Akash)


  • Gno.land's gnoweb, the GNO chain, GNO VM, thanks to all the team!
  • Space Icons Set under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4, courtesy of Agata Kuczmińska. Amazing work, thanks!
  • This work is published under the same terms as GNO itself. ☮