Archive of Advent of Code

Advent of code is like a puzzle game that train our problem solving skill. In this December, they bring out 1 problem per day (25 problem in total). Each problem consist of two parts and we must finish the first part to continue to the other part. In this repository, I'll archive the idea and solution of my AoC 2023 journey.


For now, this archive only consist of AoC 2023. Each day will consist of:

  • Part1 solution
  • Part2 solution
  • Inputs (input.txt for main input and others for testing)
  • README w/ the explanation of my thought process to found the solution


There are many problems that I haven't solved yet (or still unoptimized), so if you found a better solution, open the PR, and let's discuss it! 🤩🤩


  • Muhammad Tito Prakasa (@grevicoc)