
Flask website hosting TCLEAN and RML image products.

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Flask website hosting TCLEAN and RML image products.

Running Docker

You can start the docker container using a script including the following lines:

# the location of the MAPS folder lab share
export MAPS_ROOT_SOURCE="/n/oberg_lab/MAPS"
export MAPS_ROOT_SOURCE="/Users/ian/Documents/Research/Disks/MAPS-LP/data/RML-products/MAPS"

# the mount point inside the docker container
export MAPS_ROOT_CONTAINER="/home/maps/extern"

# start the image and use a bind mount to give access to the lab share inside the container
docker run --name maps -d -p 8000:5000 -e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=${POSTGRES_URI} -e MAPS_ROOT="${MAPS_ROOT_CONTAINER}/" -e MAPS_USER="test-username" -e MAPS_PASSWORD="test-password" --mount type=bind,source=${MAPS_ROOT_SOURCE},target=${MAPS_ROOT_CONTAINER},readonly iancze/maps:latest

Testing the server locally outside of Docker (flask run)

activate the virtual environment

$ source venv/bin/activate

set up the database connection


set up and run flask

$ export FLASK_APP=maps.py
$ flask run

All of the environment variables can be set by doing

$ source mapserver_setup.sh

and then

$ flask run