
Demo video links in wiki broken?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When browsing the MPL wiki, the links at main page, section 'Overview and Demo Videos', seem to be broken. Youtube displays error message "video unavailable - uploader closed account". Are there any alternative locations to view these videos?

Hi @jfischer1

Sorry about that, will check with GD what's happening and come back shortly.

Thank you

Yeah, it's not so easy to restore the original videos... Will give some time to the IT guys and if there will be no way to do that, I will re-upload them if GD will allow to do that.

Unfortunately the original videos was lost, so figuring out how to reupload them.

Hi @jfischer1 , finally I completed the reuploading process and now the videos are available on the separated MPL channel:

Will change the repo, wiki and articles links asap.

Hi @sparshev, thank you for taking care of this :)

The GD article was fixed, so we're good now)