
Lighthouse performance score is 60 for

milindsingh opened this issue · 3 comments is built on gridsome and have a score of 60 in lighthouse report.

Any plan or path to fix this ?


Good catch!

The biggest opportunity looks to be here with using rel=preload.

I'm not exactly sure why it thinks the Largest Contentful Paint is taking 14 seconds though, the snapshots it's grabbing look the same from start to finish to me (possibly the fonts are loading and replacing? Hard to see with these small images).

I think that anyone that feels inclined can work through the performance Lighthouse recommendations and submit a PR.

A separate PR to address the accessibility of the code block on the home page would also be beneficial.

@TerabyteTiger Thanks, I added the preload but did not see much change in score.

Do you have any other thought on performance issue?

@milindsingh Not other than working through whatever Lighthouse's recommendations are 😅