Accuracy when running code in train_mn10_r64.lua
YiruS opened this issue · 1 comments
YiruS commented
Recently I installed torch and ran the example code from train_mn10_r64.lua. There are 20 epochs and initial learning rate is 0.001 with batch size of 32 using Adam optimizer, everything is as default.
However, the test accuracy is only 0.457, as shown below:
[INFO] loading data took 0.005721[s] - n_batches 32
[INFO] net/crtrn fwd took 0.484423[s]
[INFO] test batch 29/29
[INFO] loading data took 0.004988[s] - n_batches 12
[INFO] net/crtrn fwd took 0.205677[s]
test_epoch=20, avg_f=0.457447
How can I achieve the accuracy as displayed in the octnet paper?
griegler commented
The output avg_f
is not the accuracy of the model, but the average loss (cross entropy).
The following code should compute the accuracy
function common.test_epoch(opt, data_loader)
local net = or error('no net in test_epoch')
local criterion = opt.criterion or error('no criterion in test_epoch')
local n_batches = data_loader:n_batches()
local avg_f = 0
local accuracy = 0
local n_samples = 0
for batch_idx = 1, n_batches do
print(string.format('[INFO] test batch %d/%d', batch_idx, n_batches))
local timer = torch.Timer()
local input, target = data_loader:getBatch()
print(string.format('[INFO] loading data took %f[s] - n_batches %d', timer:time().real, target:size(1)))
local timer = torch.Timer()
local output = net:forward(input)
output = output[{{1,target:size(1)}, {}}]
local f = criterion:forward(output, target)
print(string.format('[INFO] net/crtrn fwd took %f[s]', timer:time().real))
avg_f = avg_f + f
local maxs, indices = torch.max(output, 2)
for bidx = 1, target:size(1) do
if indices[bidx][1] == target[bidx] then
accuracy = accuracy + 1
n_samples = n_samples + 1
avg_f = avg_f / n_batches
accuracy = accuracy / n_samples
print(string.format('test_epoch=%d, avg_f=%f, accuracy=%f', opt.epoch, avg_f, accuracy))