
Host on firebase hosting instead of own server?

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is it possible to host this also on firebase hosting without react? I really would love to have my own email handlers but it would be nice to be able to store it on the firebase hosting instead of a seperated server.

I also have a special question you maybe could help me on :) would be cool to get you on skype for some minutes: tiCeR89


Hey Chris,

The app was created with create-react-app so you should be able to deploy to firebase hosting with their guide.

I would take a look through their deployment guide first and then if you have more questions just let me know.

Also I've been working on an update for this example app and I just haven't pushed it to GitHub yet. Hopefully by tonight I will have it completed.

Hey Griffin,

sounds good :), would it be possible that you contact me on Skype?


It would probably be easier on me if you have any questions to send me an email at or

Okay i will try it :) Mail is sent.

Worked perfect and its deployed on firebase hosting!!!! Thank you very much. Cant wait for the update.