
Hey Griffpatch

learndogbreeds opened this issue · 11 comments

Hello. Griffpatch i signed up to talk to you i was wondering could you do a video about scratch 1 becuase i downloaded it today

here is a video of how (it is different for me because I tried downloading it twice but also if you do make a video could you like shoutout me or something thanks!)

@griffpatch (i said that just to be sure you found this)

so can you?

PLEASE!!!! your are amazing at scratch

sad that a week ago, but at leasts remembers GitHub!

okay, i will say i love your mega multplayer platformer v1.3 and then close the issue

Sorry I don't use GitHub for chatting so these messages most of the time pass me by...

hello there griffpatch, and yes.

and i think at least of messages are from github.