
aISS docking issue on a biological structure

Closed this issue · 4 comments


This ticked is focused on the new aISS software where we try to dock a carbon monoxide on a biological structure (PDB entry : 1KF1). XTB version : XTB/6.7.0.

The command line used is the following :
xtb dock --gbsa h2o --opt loose
The structures used are the CO.txt and 1KF1.txt ones and the results are in the aISS.txt file. Note that a .CHRG file was used to specify the charges for each compound (0 for CO and -18 for 1KF1).

15 optimized structures were given by the software, but these issues could be found :

1) Out of range interaction energies calculated for the last docked structures (13 to 15) :

      Interaction energies
 Attention: monomers are not optimized
 Interaction energies are not physical
  Lowest Interaction Energy:     -87.54 kcal/mol
  #   E_int (kcal/mol)
  1       -87.54
  2       -86.56
  3       -85.76
  4       -82.27
  5       -81.02
  6       -80.84
  7       -79.30
  8       -77.53
  9       -77.46
  10       -77.45
  11       -77.18
  12       -73.44
  13   1144006.88
  14   1144006.88
  15   1144006.88

2) Multiple errors messages at the end of the calculation :

[WARNING] Runtime exception occurred
-21708- xtb_geoopt: Trying to recover from failed geometry optimization
-21707- relaxation_engine_lbfgs_relax: SCF not converged, aborting...
-21706- xtb_calculator_singlepoint: Electronic structure method terminated
-21705- scf: Setup of Coulomb evaluator failed
-21704- type_latticepoint_update: Could not generate lattice points
-4- type_latticepoint_update: Could not generate lattice points
-3- relaxation_engine_lbfgs_relax: SCF not converged, aborting...
-2- xtb_calculator_singlepoint: Electronic structure method terminated
-1- scf: Self consistent charge iterator did not converge

We tried to dock other molecules on 1KF1 but none of the calculations were successful.

Is there anyone checking issues down here or should I contact Stefan directly for these ?
Many thanks

I look through the issues time to time, but it is better to address the person who implemented the docking.
@cplett, could you have a look at this?

Hi Albert, issues reported by Ulysse are very important for his thesis. Can you on your side have a look to the 1032?
Many thanks

it seems that some structures were generated where the GFN2-xTB optimization failed. You may either use the reasonably optimized structures (found in the file or try GFN1-xTB for the final geometry optimizations.