
Add: random details and allegiance hints to backgrounds

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Playtest feedback:

Well I think I am struggling to come up with a decent background and allegience as I don't really have a good understanding of the overall lay of the land.

Suggest that maybe there are some standard backgrounds / allegiences in the guidebook - rather than examples, something more in-depth.

I'm thinking World of Darkness ish. Where you have the standard stuff and then you can adapt and tweak it.

Also maybe phrase the background as questions ie:

Who is your family, Where were you born, what is your profression? When was your first kiss? Who was your first love? Do you have any scars? Do you have any regrets? Have you ever rebelled/ been in trouble (at school, with the law, with your parents)? etc etc etc

Thinking some standard questions and then fill them in to get a good idea of your character.

I think some ppl like to do the micro details and can't quite nail the character

while others care more about the personality but leave a lot of gaps in the detail.

Seems like a good idea to add random tables for backgrounds to inspire character creation. And some guidelines or even rules for good allegiances.