
Provide example for extra customisation options

rei-vilo opened this issue · 2 comments

After reading the Customization and the Customizing a Theme, I can't figure out how to define the extra parameters on the mkdocs.yml.

What I've tried so far:

theme: windmill

    - extra.logo: 'img/Logo-128.png'
theme: windmill

extra.logo: 'img/Logo-128.png'

The error messages are

The configuration is invalid. The expected type was a key value mapping (a python dict) but we got an object of type: <type 'NoneType'>

The configuration is invalid. The expected type was a key value mapping (a python dict) but we got an object of type: <type 'NoneType'>

Could you please provide an example for the extra customisation options? Thank you!


  logo: 'img/Logo-128.png'

I agree there should be an example to the docs.

It worked fine. Thank you very much!