
Strict validation results in false negative for (A | B) & C type

mdesousa opened this issue · 2 comments

Noticed this with the 0.2.0 release.
Consider type AorBandC as defined below:

interface A {
  a: string;
interface B {
  b: string;
interface C {
  c: string;

type AorB = A | B;
type AorBandC = AorB & C;

The following validation results in an unexpected error:

const x: AorBandC = { a: "1", c: "3" };
const error = checkers.AorBandC.strictValidate(x);

The error looks like this:
Received: {"message": "is not a AorB", "nested": [{"message": "is none of A, B", "nested": [{"message": "is not a A", "nested": [{"message": "is extraneous", "path": "value.c"}], "path": "value"}], "path": "value"}], "path": "value"}

Looks like during the validation of AorB it is incorrectly considering c as an extraneous property.

Thanks for reporting! Just fixed.

Awesome! Thanks.