
A compilation of pitch detection algorithms for Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A compilation of pitch detection algorithms for Javascript. Throw out your old FFTs and zero-crossings, and make way for YIN, McLeod Pitch Method, Dynamic Wavelet, and more! Used in my app Tunesmith.

How to use

  • Include pitchfinder.js in your project.
  • Call its generator functions to return pitch detector functions.
  • Pass config objects to set properties of the function you want, including sample rate, buffer size, and more.
  • Call your functions with Float32Arrays as inputs - NOT audioBuffer objects (support for that coming soon). Conversion from audioBuffer to Float32Array is relatively trivial, like this: floatArray = buffer.getChannelData(0)
  • Extract the pitch from the returned object's 'freq' key. Some methods provide other info, such as probability.
  • ???
  • Profit!
  • Send me your app to check out!

Code examples

Making a pitch detector with default settings:

var YINDetector = PITCHFINDER.YIN();
var estimate = YINDetector(float32Array);

Making a pitch detector with custom settings:

  samplerate: 48000,
  bufferSize: 3456,
  etc, etc.

(full list of parameters coming soon)


These algorithms were ported from Jonas Six's excellent TarsosDSP library (written in Java). If you're looking for a far deeper set of tools than this, check out his work.