
Ajasta is a simple invoicing application built with the latest technologies on the market.

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality


Ajasta is a simple invoicing application built with the latest technologies on the market. It comes with a simple client and project management, allows you to quickly create new invoices and send them to you clients as PDFs. A templating system allows you to have your invoices look exactly the way you want them to.

The project is currently under a complete rewrite, but will mature quickly.


While you can run Ajasta completely on your local machine, with your own webserver and such, a Docker configuration is provided to ease installation. To get started, execute the following commands:

$ composer install
$ bower install

Then copy the config/autoload/local/local.php.dist to config/autoload/local/local.php and adjust the database connection values accordingly. For the Docker image, the connection string will be mysql://dev:dev@mysql/ajasta. Then copy the docker-compose.override.yml.dist file to docker-compose.override.yml. If port 80 is already used by a local web server, you may want to change the nginx port to something like 8080:80 (8080 being the host port and 80 being the internal container port). After that, you can start the Docker containers:

$ docker-compose up -d

To set up the database structure, you'll need to run doctrine-migrations within the PHP container. To do so, you need to get the container ID of it. Do so by running docker ps and search for the ajasta_php image. Then run the following command:

$ docker exec -i <php-container-id> vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate

Finally, you need to create an initial user. To ease this task and not having to fiddle with the database, Ajasta provides a simple command line tool for this.

$ docker exec -it <php-container-id> bin/create-user.php

Now that you've got everything up and running, you can access Ajasta with your browser by opening http://localhost:8080.