
mysql query specific options

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There are query level options in mysql that can be set for a specific query, e.g. in a query involving joins, nestTables is such an option.
connection.query({ sql: 'xxx', values: 'yyy', nestTables: true }, cb)

By modifying the adapter code, I can set nestTables globally (right after calling createQuery) , but I can't find a clean way to do this on a per query basis. Any suggestions?

Because any-db delegates query creation to the mysql driver, I think you should be able to just query in the same way. For example, this should work:

  .query({sql: 'xxx', values: 'xxx', nestTables: true}, function (err, res) { ... })

If it doesn't work that way can you include a stack trace and I'll see if I can make it happen.

Yes, thats how I am doing it right now. Thanks

I am using anydb-sql, which wraps on anydb, so I guess I really should be changing the API there to let it pass such options in its own APIs.

Ah, yes in that case it would be up to anydb-sql to send the correct parameters down to any-db.