
tags or selectors containing numbers have incorrect highlighting

rradonic opened this issue · 6 comments

tags like h1, h2 etc. have the numbers highlighted like numeric literals (cssValueNumber highlighting group) instead of being the same color as the rest of the tag name (cssTagName highlighting group).

this doesn't happen right away i.e. on small less files. it starts happening on larger ones, i'll try to narrow it down to a situation that can be more easily reproduced.

looks like it only starts to happen once the h1 element is nested inside of another element. so this:

h1 {

looks normal, but this:

nav {
  h1 {

starts exhibiting the problem.

Is it possible that this is related to your color scheme ?

i'm not using one, these are default vim colors in a terminal. can you reproduce with the example i sent? the second snippet (the one with the nesting) gets highlighted incorrectly for me ('h' is one color and '1' is another color), but the first one is highlighted correctly (both letters get the cssTagName color).

I have the same result now. I'll look into it.

great. let me know if i can help!