
error with MAP

xavierartot opened this issue · 1 comments

When I source the .vimrc, I have some error ?
source ~/.vimrc
/Users/xartot/.vimrc:1: command not found: syn
/Users/xartot/.vimrc:4: command not found: filetype
/Users/xartot/.vimrc:6: command not found: filetype
/Users/xartot/.vimrc:8: parse error near `<'

here my config:
1 syn on
2 execute pathogen#infect()
3 set syntax=on
4 filetype indent plugin on
6 filetype on
8 nnoremap m :w !lessc % > %:t:r.css


It looks to be that you sourced your vimrc in your shell instead of within vim. None of these errors make sense. I am closing this issue for now since it doesn't make sense and is even lesser related to the less plugin.