
Pulling, CPU,Ram, OS Version

Joshuaharry120 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have the custom fields setup here


and the following in settings.conf:
_snipeit_5 = hardware os_version
_snipeit_3 = hardware total_ram_mb
_snipeit_4 = hardware processor_type

however it is not putting the data in?

I've managed to get to work by putting

_snipeit_ram_3 = hardware total_ram_mb
_snipeit_cpu_4 = hardware processor_type
_snipeit_osversion_5 = hardware os_version

However, when am now checking it's only updating one record, but not the others?

Hey Josh,

You might want to try running the script with the -f flag:

-f, --force           Updates the Snipe asset with information from Jamf
                      every time, despite what the timestamps indicate.

Let me know if that helps!