using the -f parameter problems
robcraigfl opened this issue · 1 comments
If i use the parameter -f to force the asset update in snipe from JAMF's details it does not update the asset tag in snipe-it with the one from Jamf. Is this normal behaviour?
" -f Updates the Snipe asset with information from Jamf every time, despite what the timestamps indicate."
@robcraigfl I'm sorry this one passed by me.
You'd have to add the config mapping for that data, but that's not what the -f flag is for.
Let's say I'm running jamf2snipe every 15 minutes on a cron. Part of the default behavior is that it'll check to see which record is more recent. I'll use computername, because it's more applicable here. If I prep a computer for a new user, I might rename the asset in Snipe to paradoxguitarist-mbp-12345 as I'm getting it ready for a customer. But Since It hasn't imaged yet, Jamf will have it still listed as the previous name julie-mbp-12345. jamf2snipe looks at the timestamps and see's the the jamf asset was last updated a month ago, and snipe was updated this morning. so it doesn't update any data in snipe.
The -f ignores that check and writes julie-mbp-12345 as device name. (At least that's the design that's intended.)
Hope that makes sense. I'll mark this as "closed" but let me know if there's a bug in here we still need to fix.