
Update "Select" component selected background and selected + hover background

taysea opened this issue · 2 comments


Review link in Figma:

Designer contact: Oliver/Kenny


  • Update "selected" background color in Select (should not affect other components like Calendar, etc.)
  • Update "selected + hover" background color in Select

In order to have the color for selected be the new selected color #CBFAEB We need to change out our current button.selected.options to the following of course we would pull out the color into our color files.

    selected: {
      option: {
        background: '#CBFAEB',
        color: 'text-strong',
        font: {
          weight: 500,

However with the hover + selected since we are leveraging the selected which is a internal prop that is used in a variety of places within Grommet to instruct the underlying button to use the “selected” style as define by the theme.

we can either pass selected to this line here so we can leverage the selected in our extend to be able to have a background color. Since select is build up by using Buttons this would make sense to leverage here.


we can add a theme object to live in either Select or Button that can have for example

button: {
  selected: {
    hover: 'color',

This way we have selected” + “hover in one place and we wont have to have
selected? &hover in our extend

Marking this as blocked, the background color values need to be revisited by designers for color contrast