
JSON embedded format, in preparation for v3

xaviered opened this issue · 3 comments

Given that V3 preview is out ...

  1. Do you have plans to add V3 support?

  2. Would you consider fully moving to JSON embedded format for on your V2, since that is what V3 is moving towards?

The v3 Admin APIs use the JSON:API specification. The Content-Type for both request and response of these APIs is application/vnd.api+json.


since there are issues with the REST proxy that no-one seems to care about (confluentinc/kafka-rest#597 and confluentinc/kafka-rest#596 , plus many more), I don't know if I will add the support for V3. Maybe if they redesign the application completely, so that there would be a chance for these issues to be fixed. I'll decide when the V3 is out.

As for JSON embedded format support, I don't think it makes sense. It's just overhead...if it's mandatory for V3 then we will see when V3 is out, as I mentioned above.

I checked the docs now, and it seems nothing regarding the consumers is no, at the moment I plan no support for it until the issues are resolved. Because if those issues are not resolved then the REST proxy is useless.

Thank you for your feedback on this. It definitely sounds like those two Kafka fixes are a must.