is a tool that allows you to write and deploy Google cloud functions in pure go.
Run go get github.com/MartinSahlen/go-cloud-fn
to get it.
You need to have Google cloud SDK installed, as well as
the Cloud functions emulator.
Currently the emulator does not seem to work though :(
Usage is meant to be pretty idiomatic:
Handling a http request (using goa)
package main
import (
func main() {
service := goa.New("adder")
w := log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stderr)
logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(w)
// Setup basic middleware
service.Use(middleware.ErrorHandler(service, true))
adder := NewOperandsController(service)
app.MountOperandsController(service, adder)
//The key is to use the shim to serve the HTTP
package main
import (
func bucketHandlerFunc(object storage.Object) {
//Handle the bucket event
if object.TimeDeleted == "" {
log.Println("object " + object.Name + " was created or updated")
} else {
log.Println("object " + object.Name + " was deleted")
func main() {
package main
import (
pubsub "google.golang.org/api/pubsub/v1beta2"
func pubsubHandleFunc(message pubsub.PubsubMessage) {
//print the message data (base64 encoded)
func main() {
Run go-cloud-fn deploy <function-name>
to deploy your finished function. the options are listed below:
This command lets you deploy your function with a given
set of parameters.
go-cloud-fn deploy <function-name> [flags]
-e, --emulator Deploy to emulator
-m, --memory string Set function memory [MAX 2048MB] (default "1024MB")
-r, --region string Set gcloud region
-s, --stage-bucket string Set GCS bucket to upload zip bundle
-o, --timeout string Set function timeout [MAX 540s] (default "540s")
-b, --trigger-bucket string Set function to trigger on this GCS bucket event
-j, --trigger-http Set function to trigger on HTTP event
-t, --trigger-topic string Set function to trigger on this Pubsub topic
Inspired by https://github.com/kelseyhightower/google-cloud-functions-go
Copyright © 2017 Martin Sahlen
Distributed under the MIT License